We left the boat around 9 am and rode in an Uber to Mr. Reed's penthouse. It was really nice! I met Terry for the first time, she's awesome, and it was nice to see Mr. Reed again. We hung around the apartment for a little while before going to get lunch. My dad got one pastrami sandwich, one bag of fries, 3 bagel sandwiches, and 3 toasted bagels with butter. We ate the toasted bagels on our way to Central Park. Then we ate the rest of our lunch. All of it was delicious! Once finished, we continued on to the American Museum of Natural History. The museum is huge, and the exhibits are fascinating. We even saw a movie on Sea Lions. By the time we were leaving it was 5 pm! We then went back to the Simmon's apartment. After showering we ate an amazing dinner on their upper terrace. The view was so cool! Once dinner was finished we watched a few shows, then went to bed. I said goodbye to my parents since they have to leave around 4 am tomorrow.