12 nautical miles

Today is a cloudy, yet bright day. We played foosball and made place cards this morning. It got a little messy with everyone painting, coloring, and drawing. I'm also the undefeated foosball champion! Lunch consisted of my grandma's famous lobster rolls. They really are amazing, and that's coming from someone who isn't a huge fan of lobster! After lunch, I did some schoolwork before going on a small sail. The marina where we filled up with gas and water was quaint and everyone we met was super nice. We went around Louds Island and Hog Island so that we could fly the spin for a while, but the wind died before we got there- Murphys law! Dinner was... eventful. We got home late from our sail and everyone was hungry, so we rushed to make dinner. Unfortunately, a plastic covering was left on a dish when it got put in the oven. It melted all over the food, and the entire house smelled like burnt plastic. Hopefully the smell will be gone tomorrow!