15 nautical miles

I woke up around 8 am to my mom bribing me out of bed with pancakes. I rolled out of my hammock and went to get some breakfast. Everyone else had eaten and were out fishing.

Soon after breakfast, we left the dock to go for a sail. We sailed past Fort Sumter where the the first shots of the Civil War were fired. Next, we sailed past Patriots Point where an aircraft carrier, the USS Yorktown, as well as multiple other old warships, are kept. Then we looped under the Cooper River Bridge, past the Charleston Aquarium and Battery Park, and then back to the Marina.

We walked to Battery Park soon after docking. About halfway there, the dads turned around and retrieved the cars to meet the O'Conors for dinner at an outdoor food court. When we got to the food court, it was so crowded that there were no seats left. We changed plans and went to a small restaurant downtown. They have good, healthy food.

Afterward, we got ice cream at Jenni's. They make their own waffle cones in the store. When they serve you the ice cream, the cone is still warm! Their ice cream is also available in grocery stores.

We had a fun dance party on the sidewalk after eating ice cream. Then we drove home with the promise of an oyster roast the next day.