75 nautical miles

We went to see the Glass Window around 8 am. The cliff is really cool. It's crazy to think that that strip of rock is all that connects the island. We looked around for a bit before heading back. Along the way, we saw a blowhole. Of course, we see one when we don't go looking for it rather than the two times we did!

Back at the boat we quickly pulled anchor at set out for Current Cut. The current can run up to 6kts through there, so the name is fitting! We had about 4kts under us. As we were exiting the cut we saw a turtle. We circled closer and realized it was two gigantic turtles. 6ft long with heads bigger than a human's! After doing a few circles they dove and we started for Great Abaco Island.

Soon it got too wavy for school. There were 5ft rollers at least 350ft apart coming in from a big cell on the ocean. We read Spy School aloud instead. It was finished by the time Great Abaco Island came into view. I started polishing our stainless steel. After anchoring in the Abaco Sea about 2 hours later we watched a gorgeous sunset while eating dinner. Then we went to bed.

I can't wait to see Aunt Caroline and Uncle Ian tomorrow!