15 nautical miles

When I woke up we were getting ready to drop the mooring. We were going to go to Warderick Wells as long as we had service. If not we would go to Staniel Cay. Knightlife left for Staniel Cay as we did. The sail was pretty and we got to Warderick Wells around 1 pm.

My dad paddled to shore and hiked up Boo Boo hill to see if he could get service to do some work. We did our school while he hiked. When he came back to the boat a little while later we found out that he was able to get enough bars. We all went to shore a little while later. After paying for the mooring we went on a hike.

When we got to the top of Boo Boo hill we saw a rainstorm and went to the dinghy so we could make it back in time. When we reached the beach dad decided to hole up on land. We met the people on the boat next to us. There were two couples, one that owned the boat and one that was sailing with them for a month. We talked for a little bit while waiting for the rain. It never came, so we went back to the boat. Then we had dinner and went to bed early.