30 nautical miles

We left around noon for New London. Our original plan had been to leave earlier that morning, but the winds had picked up and we decided to wait until they calmed down some. The winds did calm down, but there were still waves. The waves were only about 3 ft yet could still rock the boat, especially since they were coming perpendicular to us. Eventually, we reached the protection of Fischers Island and the waves calmed down. Once we reached New London we grabbed a mooring and went in to land. First order of business was laundry. We ran to a laundromat and got it started, then went to the Customs House Maritime Museum. It was really interesting. The museum is run by an older couple who were absolutely thrilled to see us, despite it being so close to their closing time. They walked us through the whole museum, giving cool stories and info about the many things in the museum, as well as the history of the town. By the time we were leaving it was an hour after closing time, but we could tell that having us come made their day! Then my dad did laundry while we got some groceries. Dad found us at the grocery store, and after getting a snack he went back to the laundromat. The kids took showers at the city dock while mom made dinner. When we were done we dinghied back tot he boat and had dinner before going to bed.